Level 4. Post 6.

Write about a social issue  you will consider in the class. Use Photos.

- Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post.

- Word Count: 210 words.

For children with low resources, the risk factors are similar to others such as juvenile delinquency rates, higher levels of teenage pregnancy, and the economic dependency upon their low-income parent or parents. Families and society who submit low levels of investment in the education and development of less fortunate children end up with less favorable results for the children who see a life of parental employment reduction and low wages.  

out of school child

Poverty often drastically affects children's success in school. A child's "home activities, preferences, mannerisms" must align with the world and in the cases that they do not do these, students are at a disadvantage in the school and, most importantly, the classroom. Therefore, it is safe to state that children who live at or below the poverty level will have far less success educationally than children who live above the poverty line. Poor children have a great deal less healthcare and this ultimately results in many absences from the academic year. Additionally, poor children are much more likely to suffer from hunger, fatigue, irritability, headaches, ear infections, flu, and colds.These illnesses could potentially restrict a child or student's focus and concentration.

Consequently, there is work to do with poverty before expecting children to have a complete and significant education in Chile and the rest of the world.


  1. Unfortunately this a reality in Chile, i wish it change because children are the future of the country and their education is very important to become professionals.

  2. solving poverty, we would change the lives of these children in many ways :(

  3. We have to keep fighting for their rights, we should all have the same opportunities!!!

  4. The sad reality of a large percentage of Chilean children,I hope this can change soon.

  5. The most important thing in the world are children, we have to fight for them to have a better life

  6. The children are the future, all should have access to basic need.

  7. this problem is very worrying, all children should have the same rights and opportunities and live happily

  8. I think that in the country they have focused on solving problems by patching instead of investigating the background and solving it from the base

  9. The inequality that exists is quite sad, we should all have the same opportunities!

  10. It is a sad reality present in Chile due the inequality

  11. They always say that children with low resources are more likely to end up within the juvenile delinquency rates, these are problems that have to end as soon as possible for a better future

  12. Children are an important pillar in our society, and knowing that there are low-income children who do not have access to many things, it is very regrettable, I hope this situation improves in the near future.

  13. If the problems of poverty experienced by many families in Chile could be solved, the children of these families could have a better education.

  14. We should all have access to the basics of life such as education regardless of poverty :(

  15. I hope we can solve this issue, there's a lot to do about it

  16. Inequity is one of the worst factors whe can find in the development of a country. I hope someday politicians will be more aware of the costs of it.

  17. This is a social issue present throughout the world, I hope that one day all this changes.

  18. Is so hard to think on the social problems of Chile because are a lot and it wont are solved

  19. unfortunately in Chile if you are poor, you do not have good access to education or health, i hope this can change soon.

  20. the worst of it is that society wants us to see poor people as sacrificial people worthy of admiration when it is not normal to have to make such sacrifices in order to put bread on the table.

  21. If we don't do anything against this problems they will never disappear

  22. I hope we can advance a future where decent education is available to all.

  23. This issue is very important, children are the future of the world, we have much to do as a society

  24. It is a really important social problem, all children must have the same opportunities and basic living conditions

  25. This problem is very urgent, children are the future of the world, I hope that in the not too distant future this problem does not exist.

  26. It is a very important issue and it is necessary to raise our voices and fight for the rights of children.

  27. This is a real problem, all children should have the same opportunities. It's unfair that this is not the case and sometimes their destiny is preordained.

  28. It is a sad reality present in Chile u,uuuuuuuuu

  29. Is really sad, and many kids suffer, this is urgent.

  30. This issue is very sad and that unfortunately in Chile there is much to advance

  31. its a reallity in the world that a lot of think for ¿What will do for better? In Chile the promises year after year.

  32. It is a reality that many ignore but that has serious repercussions when children grow up

  33. It's funny how a group of people defend the fetuses, but then they just hate the children of ''sename''.

  34. I hope that the contries will progress about their public politics of child protection.

  35. Poverty is a very complex and sad problem, children unfortunately suffer physical and psichological consequences for this. i hope in a future there is more equality in this matter

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. Strengthening public education is essential, with universal access.


  38. unfortunately, I have seen how children who should focus on their education, must work because money isn't enough for them. It's a big problem that still has no solution

  39. I wish there were more opportunities for low-income children, it is a tremendous shame that this happens

  40. I think poverty is getting more visible every year

  41. I hope that one day we can create an inclusive society and that these problems will be seen much less. Children are the most important thing we have because they are the future.


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