Dear students,

In this second blog session you will have two options for your blog post. You can either write about your best holidays or the best concert you've ever been to. Choose only one.
Some important things you can mention in this post are:


· When it was
· Where you went
· How long it was
· People you went with
· Things / Activities you did
· Why it has been the best so far
· Any other relevant info
    A concert

· When / where it was
· The artist you saw
· A bit of info about the artist
· Describe the atmosphere during the event
· Describe how you felt and why you enjoyed it
· Any other memories about it


Remember! After your writing activity you must read and leave comments on my blog and on 3 of your classmates' posts.

This is a 170 words post (as a minimum).

I am really fond of the holidays I have had. I hope that those reading my experience may  have the chance of being there. Anyway, you need a post as an example and here it is.  I will never forget my visiting Mexico for the first time. I spent a few days in Mexico City visiting Pyramids del Sol y de la Luna and other ruins. Also, Plaza Garibaldi, the murals painted by Diego Rivera and Frieda Khalo on the streets were magnificent.
Later, I went to Merida in order to visit Chichen Itza. The pyramid and the other sites were amazing because of the history behind. You spend a complete day there. To finish, I went to Cancun: discos and beaches were waiting for me and my money obviously. A great place to relax and have fun. The weather is unpredictable: it could rain and be hot at the same time. If you visit Mexico, don’t forget to drink bottled water only. No tap water is available in some cities, only water from wells. Maybe that is why they drink Tequila and eat spicy food so much!


  1. I really want to go to Mexico, especially in these months, since I saw coco, I think its tradition is precious.
    Merida! The first time I heard from that city is because I hear a podcast by some Yucatecans, "Lo que callamos las Violetas" really good and eager to visit it!
    Oh! I always drink bottled water hahaha

  2. wow! i think that mexico its a really good destination, has a lot of options, if you want to go to a city and shoping, to see some ruins, or to a theme park you can do all of them!

  3. It sounds very interesting. I want to go!

  4. I would love to go to Mexico like you, but I'm still poor :(

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi, i want to go to cancun someday, and if i do it, i will take your recommendations

  7. I believe that Mexico is a good destination. I would like to visit to the pyramids for its history!

  8. Sounds like you had a great time! I would like to go there with my family someday

  9. I would like to visit these places 乁༼☯‿☯✿༽ㄏ

  10. I love tropical climate, it is like having the best of two worlds. I really enjoy sun but it feels so good a little bit of water on you when you re hot

  11. I am very interested in being able to visit the pyramids del sol y de la luna, they have always seemed beautiful to me.

  12. i would like to visit mexico someday.

  13. Mexico is very beautiful, I would love to go someday!!

  14. I would to like to visit the Azteca Stadium someday, watch a soccer match with a cold beer .

  15. Mexico sounds a nice place, I would like to visit Cancun someday.

  16. I would very much like to eat spicy food in Mexico

  17. Spicy food? Piramids? Where do I sign?

  18. I would love to visit Mexico one day, I think it is a very interesting country

  19. nice place to visit and very useful water information.

  20. I would like to visit Mexico to know the cenotes of Yucatán, since I have heard that they are very beautiful

  21. I have a friend who lives in Mexico, I would love to travel to see her

  22. I would love to visit Mexico, mainly the beaches and pyramids, I just need the money.

  23. I would like to visit Mexico, to know Azteca Stadium.

  24. My dad always talks about how much he wants to go to Mexico, I would love to go with him someday.

  25. I really love Mexico! Their culture is so atractive and interesting, also I would love to visit their landscapes and learn about the historical events that marked the country

  26. Mexico is a really nice place to go, they speak spanish, they have a very interesting culture and a plenty of beautiful landscapes.

  27. My aunt lived in Mexico for some years and she says it is a beautiful and interesting place!

  28. I would love to go to Mexico, especially to try their spicy food!

  29. i would like to visit the mayan ruins one day

  30. When I was little I went to Mexico but I don't remember anything. I would love to go again to know and keep those beautiful places in my mind

  31. I would love to go to mexico to be able to swim in its beaches, they say they are great

  32. It would be very interesting to visit Mexico. I like that!

  33. I would love to go to Mexico and get to know the Mayan Riviera

  34. i want to visit mexico someday! And i like spicy food, although sometimes i put in excess at the foods :s !

  35. I would like so much to go to Mexico, i think it would be very interesting and memorable, specially the spicy food!

  36. I definitely have to visit that place, good photos!!!

  37. I hope one day to visit Mexico and its great places

  38. I would love to get to know Mexico! It's in my plans, it's beautiful!

  39. i hope one day to go to Mexico, i would really like to try the typical foods of the country

  40. the pictures are beautiful! i love the places with sea, i hope someday i can visit mexico

  41. I would love to visit Mexico, I think their culture are incredible.

  42. I didn't know much about Mexico and with this post I've already done it part of the place I hope to go


  43. I would love to visit the pyramids of Mexico one day.

  44. excellent experience teacher, in the moment that I read your post I feel very near as when I am speak of my experiencies.

  45. I would very much like to be able to visit Mexico one day, I see some youtubers that show beautiful things from that country

  46. How beautiful the pyramids look, I would like to meet them some day!


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